Why You Should Use VexGuard Pest Control to Remove a Wasp or Hornet Nest When dealing with the presence of a wasp or hornet nest near your home, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and effectiveness. Attempting to remove the nest yourself can be dangerous and inefficient. Here are compelling reasons to choose VexGuard Pest Control […]
Hiding hornets equal big problems
Hornet Problems We are starting to see a lot of hornet, wasp and bee calls lately where people were stung because they couldn’t see the nest. This is dangerous because a nest like the one in the picture has hundreds of hornets willing and ready to attack. In this case if the umbrella is disturbed while […]
Stop Raising Mosquitoes
Stop The Mosquitoes All the talk in the news lately has been about mosquitoes, ticks and the viruses they’re armed with ready to infect their victims. WWMT recently put out and article talking about mosquitoes being the worst they’ve been in decades. The amount of rain combined with the temperatures we are seeing have certainly caused a bumper-crop […]
How to remove a tick
With all of the phone calls coming in already this year regarding ticks, I think its a good time to go over how to remove a tick. Fortunately ticks do not usually jump right onto a host and start feeding immediately. They will typically seek out a hidden (hair) area around the upper torso, in […]
Top 6 things homeowners do that make pest problems worse
When you first notice a pest problem in your home, the first thing people do is look for a way to solve it by themselves. Typically the reason for this is you’re trying to save some money. After years in the pest control business I’m able to see the outcome of the DIY solution for […]
Spring is coming
Spring time is only weeks away now and people are soon to forget that a black and blue / gold and white dress ever existed as they head back outdoors. Spring time is the start of the gardening season, outdoor construction projects, and travel. You have spent a good majority of your time this past winter […]
Spring Fever and Five Pest prevention Tips
Spring Fever and Five Pest Prevention Tips to Preparing your Home Winter is finally on its downward spiral and for many of us here in Southwest Michigan spring couldn’t come any faster. We have had large quantities of snow that Michigan has not experienced in years, and with spring finally on the way it’s time […]